§ 17.1-501. Judges of circuit courts; selection, powers and duties of chiefjudges; exercise of appointive powers.
A. There shall be as many judges of the circuit courts as may be fixed by theGeneral Assembly. The judges of each circuit shall select from their numberby majority vote a chief judge of the circuit, who shall serve for the termof two years. In the event such judges cannot agree as to who shall be chiefjudge, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall act as tie breaker.
B. The chief judge of the circuit shall ensure that the system of justice inhis circuit operates smoothly and efficiently. He shall have authority toassign the work of the circuit among the judges, and in doing so he mayconsider the nature and categories of the cases to be assigned.
C. Unless otherwise provided by law, powers of appointment within a circuitshall be exercised by a majority of the judges of the circuit; however, theorder of appointment may be signed by the chief judge or that judge'sdesignee on behalf of the other judges. In case of a tie, the Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court shall appoint a circuit judge from another circuit whoshall act as tie breaker. Where the power of appointment is to be exercisedby a majority of the judges of the Second Judicial Circuit and suchappointment is to a local post, board or commission in Accomack orNorthampton County, the resident judge or judges of the County of Accomack orNorthampton shall exercise such appointment power as if he or they comprisethe majority of the judges of the circuit.
D. No person shall be appointed or reappointed under this section until hehas submitted his fingerprints to be used for the conduct of a nationalcriminal records search and a Virginia criminal history records search. Noperson with a criminal conviction for a felony shall be appointed as a judge.
(1973, c. 544, § 17-116.2; 1976, c. 124; 1994, c. 407; 1998, c. 872; 2004, c.452; 2005, c. 183.)