§ 17.1-505. Circuit court of county to constitute circuit court of certaincities.
The circuit court of any county, within which is situated any city which hasundergone transition from a city of the second class to a city of the firstclass since the Constitution of 1902, went into effect, shall have concurrentjurisdiction with the circuit court of such city in all proceedings at law orin equity, except criminal prosecutions; and the circuit court of such countyshall constitute the circuit court of such city. This section shall not applyto the Cities of Bristol, Colonial Heights, Fredericksburg, Martinsville,Salem and Suffolk for which separate circuit courts have heretofore beenestablished and which are continued.
(Code 1919, § 5911, § 17-118; 1920, p. 607; 1962, c. 237; 1968, c. 107; 1971,Ex. Sess., c. 27; 1998, c. 872.)