§ 17.1-509. Vacancies in office of judge.
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of judge, a successor, who shall be aresident of the same circuit, shall be elected for a full term of eight yearsand upon qualification shall enter at once upon the discharge of the dutiesof his office. No person shall be elected or reelected to a subsequent termunder this section until he has submitted to a criminal history record searchand a report of such search has been received by the chairmen of the Houseand Senate Committees for Courts of Justice. Subject to the provisions of §§17.1-511 and 17.1-512, the Governor shall have the power while the GeneralAssembly is not in session to fill pro tempore vacancies in such office. Suchappointment to every vacancy shall be by commission to expire at the end of30 days after the commencement of the next regular session of the GeneralAssembly. No person with a criminal conviction for a felony shall beappointed as a judge.
(Code 1919, § 5889, § 17-120; 1920, p. 123; 1924, p. 310; 1944, p. 95; 1971,Ex. Sess., c. 27; 1973, c. 544; 1977, c. 197; 1998, c. 872; 2001, c. 256;2004, c. 452.)