§ 17.1-512. Election of successor judge before date of vacancy.
Whenever a vacancy occurs or exists in the office of a judge of a circuitwhile the General Assembly is in session, or whenever the term of office of ajudge of a circuit court will expire or the office will be vacated at a datecertain between the adjournment of the General Assembly and the commencementof the next session of the General Assembly, a successor judge may be electedat any time during a session preceding the date of such vacancy, by the voteof a majority of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly,for a term of eight years and upon qualification, the successor judge shallenter at once upon the discharge of the duties of his office. However, suchsuccessor judge shall not enter upon the discharge of his duties prior to thecommencement of his term of office. No person shall be elected or reelectedto a subsequent term under this section until he has submitted to a criminalhistory record search and a report of such search has been received by thechairmen of the House and Senate Committees for Courts of Justice. No personwith a criminal conviction for a felony shall be appointed as a judge.
(1973, c. 544, § 17-122.1; 1993, c. 368; 1998, c. 872; 2004, c. 452.)