§ 17.1-513. Jurisdiction of circuit courts.
The circuit courts shall have jurisdiction of proceedings by quo warranto orinformation in the nature of quo warranto and to issue writs of mandamus,prohibition and certiorari to all inferior tribunals created or existingunder the laws of this Commonwealth, and to issue writs of mandamus in allmatters of proceedings arising from or pertaining to the action of the boardsof supervisors or other governing bodies of the several counties for whichsuch courts are respectively held or in other cases in which it may benecessary to prevent the failure of justice and in which mandamus may issueaccording to the principles of common law. They shall have appellatejurisdiction in all cases, civil and criminal, in which an appeal may, asprovided by law, be taken from the judgment or proceedings of any inferiortribunal.
They shall have original and general jurisdiction of all civil cases, exceptcases upon claims to recover personal property or money not of greater valuethan $100, exclusive of interest, and except such cases as are assigned tosome other tribunal; also in all cases for the recovery of fees in excess of$100; penalties or cases involving the right to levy and collect toll ortaxes or the validity of an ordinance or bylaw of any corporation; and also,of all cases, civil or criminal, in which an appeal may be had to the SupremeCourt. They shall also have original jurisdiction of all indictments forfelonies and of presentments, informations and indictments for misdemeanors.
They shall have appellate jurisdiction of all cases, civil and criminal, inwhich an appeal, writ of error or supersedeas may, as provided by law, betaken to or allowed by such courts, or the judges thereof, from or to thejudgment or proceedings of any inferior tribunal. They shall also havejurisdiction of all other matters, civil and criminal, made cognizabletherein by law and when a motion to recover money is allowed in suchtribunals, they may hear and determine the same, although it is to recoverless than $100.
(Code 1919, § 5890, § 17-123; 1928, p. 1164; 1973, c. 544; 1977, c. 624;1998, c. 872; 2005, c. 681.)