§ 17.1-517. Number of terms; how fixed.
The chief judge of each circuit shall fix the terms of each of the courtswithin his circuit; provided, that there shall be at least four terms ofcourt each year, and the dockets for criminal and civil cases may be calledon the same or different days in any courtroom of the circuit. Such termsshall be fixed by order, which shall be entered in the common-law order bookin each court. The order fixing or changing the terms of court shall beentered on or before January 1, to become effective July 1, and a copy of theorder shall be forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court, whoshall cause an abstract thereof to be published in the Code of Virginia, as apart of the Rules of Court.
(1973, c. 544, § 17-127.21; 1976, c. 133; 1998, c. 872.)