§ 17.1-613. By whom and upon what certificate allowances to witnesses paid.
The sum to which a witness is entitled shall be paid out of the statetreasury in any case of attendance before either house or a committee of theGeneral Assembly and in any other case in which the attendance is for theCommonwealth except when it is otherwise specially provided. In all othercases it shall be paid by the party for whom the summons issued. The paymentshall be on a certificate of the person required by § 17.1-612 to make theentry or the clerk of the court in whose minutes the entry is made. Thecertificate shall express by letters and not by figures the separate amountto which the witness is entitled for his attendance, traveling, and tollswhich he may have to pay and the aggregate thereof. No clerk or other personauthorized to make such entry or give such certificate shall becomeinterested by purchase in any claim payable out of the state treasury whichby law he is authorized to certify.
(Code 1950, § 14-188; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-191; 1998, c. 872.)