§ 17.1-618. Allowances for jurors; expenses of keeping jury together; fees ofjury commissioners and commissioner in chancery for drawing of juries.
Every person summoned as a juror in a civil or criminal case shall beentitled to thirty dollars for each day of attendance upon the court forexpenses of travel incident to jury service and other necessary andreasonable costs as the court may direct. Jurors summoned from anotherpolitical subdivision pursuant to § 8.01-363 may be allowed by the court, inaddition to the above allowance, their actual expenses. When kept togetherovernight under the supervision of the court, the jurors and the sheriff orhis deputies keeping the jury shall be furnished suitable board and lodging.Reimbursement for board and lodging shall be set by the judge in an amountnot to exceed the amount authorized by travel regulations promulgatedpursuant to § 2.2-2823. Allowances and other costs will be allowed a juror inonly one case the same day.
Every person serving as a jury commissioner and every person serving as acommissioner in chancery for the drawing of juries for a circuit court ofthis Commonwealth may be allowed, by the court appointing him, a fee notexceeding thirty dollars per day for the time actually engaged in such workand such other necessary and reasonable costs as the court may direct.
(Code 1950, § 8-208.33; 1954, c. 709; 1958, cc. 216, 303; 1960, c. 366; 1964,c. 268, § 14.1-195.1; 1968, c. 632; 1969, Ex. Sess., c. 20; 1972, c. 719;1973, c. 439; 1974, c. 220; 1975, c. 193; 1976, c. 308; 1977, c. 624; 1978,c. 230; 1980, cc. 593, 594; 1982, c. 610; 1983, c. 495; 1984, c. 512; 1993,cc. 345, 635; 1996, c. 332; 1998, c. 872.)