§ 17.1-700. Composition of Council; committees.
The Judicial Council shall be established in the judiciary branch of stategovernment and composed of 14 members consisting of the Chief Justice of theSupreme Court, one judge of the Court of Appeals, six circuit court judges,one general district court judge, one juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court judge, two attorneys qualified to practice in the SupremeCourt, and the Chairmen of the Committees for Courts of Justice of the Senateand the House of Delegates or their designees who shall be members of theCourts of Justice committees. The Council may appoint committees to aid it inthe performance of its duties, and members of such committees need not bemembers of the Council.
(1930, p. 788, § 17-222; Michie Code 1942, § 6571f; 1968, c. 387; 1972, c.708; 1973, c. 546; 1984, c. 703; 1987, c. 141; 1998, c. 872; 2004, c. 1000;2008, c. 115.)