§ 17.1-702. Meetings of Council and committees.
The Chief Justice, or, in case of his inability to do so, one of the otherjustices of the Supreme Court, shall summon the Council to meet at Richmondduring the month of October in each year, and at such other times and placesas the Chief Justice, or such other justice, may designate. If any member,when so summoned, shall for any cause be unable to attend, he shall promptlynotify the justice who issued the summons, of such fact, and such justiceshall thereupon summon some other person possessing similar qualifications toattend and act in his stead.
Each member or other person, when so summoned, shall attend and remainthroughout the proceedings of the Council, unless excused by the presidingofficer, and shall advise as to any matters in respect to which, in hisopinion, the administration of justice in the courts of this Commonwealth maybe improved.
The Chief Justice or, in case of his inability to do so, one of the otherjustices of the Supreme Court, may summon the chairman or members of anycommittee to meet at such time and place as the Chief Justice, or such otherjustice, may designate.
(1930, p. 789, § 17-224; Michie Code 1942, § 6571g; 1966, c. 23; 1968, c.387; 1998, c. 872.)