§ 17.1-706. Establishment and membership.
There is hereby established the Judicial Conference of Virginia, which shallhave as its active members the Chief Justice and justices of the SupremeCourt of Virginia, the chief judge and judges of the Court of Appeals, allother judges of the circuit courts of the Commonwealth and all retiredjustices and judges of such courts. The honorary membership shall consist ofthe Attorney General of Virginia, the Chairmen of the Courts of JusticeCommittees of the Senate and House of Delegates or their designees who shallbe members of the Courts of Justice committees, the president and secretaryof the Virginia State Bar, the president and secretary of the Virginia BarAssociation, the president and secretary of the Virginia Trial LawyersAssociation, the president and secretary of the Virginia Association ofDefense Attorneys, the president and secretary of the Old Dominion BarAssociation, the president and secretary of the Virginia Association ofCommonwealth's Attorneys, the president and secretary of the Virginia WomenAttorneys Association, the deans of the law schools of the College of Williamand Mary, University of Richmond, University of Virginia, Washington and LeeUniversity, George Mason University, and Regent University, and the twoattorneys appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as members ofthe Judicial Council. The honorary members shall not have voting privileges.
(1950, p. 69, § 17-228; 1964, c. 9; 1970, c. 404; 1980, c. 447; 1981, c. 231;1984, c. 703; 1989, c. 597; 1990, c. 249; 1998, cc. 38, 872; 2008, c. 115.)