§ 17.1-900. Definitions and application of chapter.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Commission" means the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission provided forin Article VI, Section 10 of the Constitution of Virginia.
"Judge" means a justice of the Supreme Court, judge of the Court ofAppeals, judge of a circuit or district court, member of the StateCorporation Commission, or a member of the Virginia Workers' CompensationCommission and includes (i) persons who have been elected or appointed to bejudges but have not taken the oath of office as judge as well as persons whohave taken such oath, (ii) judges designated under § 17.1-105, (iii) judgesunder temporary recall under § 17.1-106, (iv) judges pro tempore under §17.1-109 and (v) special justices appointed pursuant to § 37.2-803, all ofwhom shall be subject to investigations and proceedings under the provisionsof this chapter.
"Term" means (i) the period of time between either election or appointmentof service as a judge and the first taking of the oath of office, (ii) eachperiod of time for which the person was either elected or appointed as ajudge, and (iii) any period of time after retirement during which the personhears cases as a retired judge.
(1971, Ex. Sess., c. 154, § 2.1-37.1; 1984, c. 703; 2001, cc. 113, 844; 2004,c. 363.)