§ 17.1-909. Order compelling witness to attend and testify.
If any person refuses to attend or testify or produce any writings or thingsrequired by any such subpoena, the Commission may petition any court ofrecord in the Commonwealth for an order compelling such person to attend andtestify or produce the writings or things required by the subpoena before theCommission. The court shall order such person to appear before it at aspecified time and place and show cause why he had not attended or testifiedor produced the writings or things as required. A copy of the order shall beserved upon him. If it appears to the court that the subpoena was regularlyissued, the court shall order such person to appear before the Commission atthe time and place fixed in the order and testify or produce the requiredwritings or things. Upon failure to obey the order, such person shall bedealt with by such court as for contempt of court.
All process in any such case may be served in the manner prescribed by lawfor service of process in civil actions.
(1971, Ex. Sess., c. 154, § 2.1-37.11; 2001, c. 844.)