§ 17.1-911. Suspension of judge.
A. In any pending investigation or formal hearing, the Commission may suspenda judge with pay if it finds that there is probable cause to believe that thecontinued performance of judicial duties by the judge constitutes both asubstantial and immediate threat to the public interest in the administrationof justice.
B. The Commission shall give the judge reasonable notice of such suspensionas prescribed by the rules of the Commission and, if requested by the judgeor his attorney, shall schedule a hearing during the first fifteen days ofthe suspension in order to determine whether justice would be served for thesuspension to continue until the completion of the investigation or formalhearing.
C. Any judge whose powers are suspended by the Commission shall not exercisejudicial powers during such suspension, but shall continue to be bound by theCanons of Judicial Conduct.
(1998, cc. 672, 862, § 2.1-37.12:1; 2001, cc. 309, 318, 844.)