§ 18.2-465.1. Penalizing employee for court appearance or service on jurypanel.
Any person who is summoned to serve on jury duty or any person, except adefendant in a criminal case, who is summoned or subpoenaed to appear in anycourt of law or equity when a case is to be heard or who, having appeared, isrequired in writing by the court to appear at any future hearing, shallneither be discharged from employment, nor have any adverse personnel actiontaken against him, nor shall he be required to use sick leave or vacationtime, as a result of his absence from employment due to such jury duty orcourt appearance, upon giving reasonable notice to his employer of such courtappearance or summons. No person who is summoned and appears for jury dutyfor four or more hours, including travel time, in one day shall be requiredto start any work shift that begins on or after 5:00 p.m. on the day of hisappearance for jury duty or begins before 3:00 a.m. on the day following theday of his appearance for jury duty. Any employer violating the provisions ofthis section is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(1981, c. 609; 1985, c. 436; 1988, c. 415; 2000, c. 295; 2002, c. 423; 2004,c. 800; 2005, c. 931.)