§ 18.2-495. Presumptive evidence.
The use of a liquefied petroleum gas container or containers by any personother than the person whose name, mark, initial or device is on the liquefiedpetroleum gas container or containers, without written consent, or purchaseof the marked and distinguished liquefied petroleum gas container for thesale of liquefied petroleum gas or filling or refilling with liquefiedpetroleum gas, or possession of the liquefied petroleum gas containers by anyperson other than the person having his name, mark, initial or other devicethereon, without the written consent of such owner, is presumptive evidenceof the unlawful use, filling or refilling, or trafficking in of suchliquefied petroleum gas containers.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-400.3; 1970, c. 442; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)