§ 18.2-505. Preparation, etc., of papers to be submitted for academic credit.
(a) No person shall prepare, cause to be prepared or sell any term paper,thesis, dissertation or other written material for another person, forprofit, with the knowledge, or under circumstances in which he shouldreasonably have known, that such term paper, thesis, dissertation or otherwritten material is to be submitted by any other person for academic creditat any public or private college, university or other institution of higherlearning in this Commonwealth.
(b) No person shall make or disseminate, with the intent to induce any otherperson to enter into any obligation relating thereto, any statement, writtenor oral, that he will prepare or cause to be prepared, any term paper,thesis, dissertation or other written material, to be sold for profit, for oron behalf of any person who has been assigned the written preparation of suchterm paper, thesis, dissertation or other written material for academiccredit at any public or private college, university or other institution ofhigher learning in this Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-371.1; 1974, c. 342; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)