§ 18.2-46.6. Possession, manufacture, distribution, etc. of weapon ofterrorism or hoax device prohibited; penalty.
A. Any person who, with the intent to commit an act of terrorism, possesses,uses, sells, gives, distributes or manufactures (i) a weapon of terrorism or(ii) a "fire bomb," "explosive material," or "device," as those termsare defined in § 18.2-85, is guilty of a Class 2 felony.
B. Any person who, with the intent to commit an act of terrorism, possesses,uses, sells, gives, distributes or manufactures any device or material thatby its design, construction, content or characteristics appears to be orappears to contain a (i) weapon of terrorism or (ii) a "fire bomb,""explosive material," or "device," as those terms are defined in §18.2-85, but that is an imitation of any such weapon of terrorism, "firebomb," "explosive material," or "device" is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
C. Any person who, with the intent to (i) intimidate the civilian population,(ii) influence the conduct or activities of the government of the UnitedStates, a state or locality through intimidation, (iii) compel the emergencyevacuation of any place of assembly, building or other structure or any meansof mass transportation, or (iv) place any person in reasonable apprehensionof bodily harm, uses, sells, gives, distributes or manufactures any device ormaterial that by its design, construction, content or characteristics appearsto be or appears to contain a weapon of terrorism, but that is an imitationof any such weapon of terrorism is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
(2002, cc. 588, 623.)