§ 18.2-56.1. Reckless handling of firearms; reckless handling while hunting.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to handle recklessly any firearm so asto endanger the life, limb or property of any person. Any person violatingthis section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
B. If this section is violated while the person is engaged in hunting,trapping or pursuing game, the trial judge may, in addition to the penaltyimposed by the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, revoke suchperson's hunting or trapping license and privileges to hunt or trap whilepossessing a firearm for a period of one year to life.
C. Upon a revocation pursuant to subsection B hereof, the clerk of the courtin which the case is tried pursuant to this section shall forthwith send tothe Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (i) such person's revoked huntingor trapping license or notice that such person's privilege to hunt or trapwhile in possession of a firearm has been revoked and (ii) a notice of thelength of revocation imposed. The Department shall keep a list which shall befurnished upon request to any law-enforcement officer, the attorney for theCommonwealth or court in this Commonwealth, and such list shall contain thenames and addresses of all persons whose license or privilege to hunt or trapwhile in possession of a firearm has been revoked and the court which tooksuch action.
D. If any person whose license to hunt and trap, or whose privilege to huntand trap while in possession of a firearm, has been revoked pursuant to thissection, thereafter hunts or traps while in possession of a firearm, he shallbe guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, and, in addition to any penalty imposedby the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, the trial judge mayrevoke such person's hunting or trapping license and privileges to hunt ortrap while in possession of a firearm for an additional period of one to fiveyears. The clerk of the court shall notify the Department of Game and InlandFisheries as is provided in subsection C herein.
(1977, c. 194; 1985, c. 182; 1991, c. 384; 2010, c. 183.)