§ 18.2-57.02. Disarming a law-enforcement or correctional officer; penalty.
Any person who knows or has reason to know a person is a law-enforcementofficer as defined in § 18.2-57, a correctional officer as defined in §53.1-1, or a person employed by the Department of Corrections directlyinvolved in the care, treatment or supervision of inmates in the custody ofthe Department, who is engaged in the performance of his duties as such and,with the intent to impede or prevent any such person from performing hisofficial duties, knowingly and without the person's permission removes achemical irritant weapon or impact weapon from the possession of the officeror deprives the officer of the use of the weapon is guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor. However, if the weapon removed or deprived in violation of thissection is the officer's firearm or stun weapon as defined in § 18.2-308.1,he shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. A violation of this section shallconstitute a separate and distinct offense.
(2001, c. 2; 2007, c. 519.)