§ 18.2-102.2. Unauthorized use of dairy milk cases or milk crates; penalty.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
1. Buy, sell, or dispose of any milk case or milk crate bearing the name orlabel of the owner without the written consent of the owner or his designatedagent;
2. Refuse, upon written demand of the owner or his designated agent, toreturn to the owner or his designated agent any milk case or milk cratebearing the name or label of the owner; or
3. Deface, obliterate, erase, cover up, or otherwise remove or conceal anyname, label, registered trademark, insignia, or other business identificationof an owner of a milk case or milk crate without the consent of the owner,for the purpose of destroying or removing from the milk case or milk crateevidence of its ownership.
A violation of this section shall be punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.
For purposes of this section, milk cases or milk crates shall be deemed tobear a name or label of an owner when there is imprinted or attached on thecase or crate a name, insignia, mark, business identification, or labelshowing ownership or sufficient information to ascertain ownership. The term"milk case" or "milk crate" means a wire or plastic container which holdssixteen quarts or more of beverage and is used by distributors or retailersor their agents as a means to transport, store, or carry dairy products.
(1990, c. 452.)