§ 18.2-104. Punishment for conviction of misdemeanor larceny.
When a person is convicted of an offense of larceny or any offense deemed tobe or punished as larceny under any provision of the Code, and it is allegedin the warrant, indictment or information on which he is convicted, andadmitted, or found by the jury or judge before whom he is tried, that he hasbeen before convicted in the Commonwealth of Virginia or in anotherjurisdiction for any offense of larceny or any offense deemed or punishableas larceny, or of any substantially similar offense in any otherjurisdiction, regardless of whether the prior convictions were misdemeanors,felonies or a combination thereof, he shall be confined in jail not less thanthirty days nor more than twelve months; and for a third, or any subsequentoffense, he shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-126.1; 1970, c. 652; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1980, c. 174; 1987,c. 178; 1994, c. 706.)