§ 18.2-112.1. Misuse of public assets; penalty.
A. For purposes of this section, "public assets" means personal propertybelonging to or paid for by the Commonwealth, or any city, town, county, orany other political subdivision, or the labor of any person other than theaccused that is paid for by the Commonwealth, or any city, town, county, orany other political subdivision.
B. Any full-time officer, agent, or employee of the Commonwealth, or of anycity, town, county, or any other political subdivision who, without lawfulauthorization, uses or permits the use of public assets for private orpersonal purposes unrelated to the duties and office of the accused or anyother legitimate government interest when the value of such use exceeds$1,000 in any 12-month period, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
(2008, cc. 738, 755.)