§ 18.2-144.1. Prohibition against killing or injuring police animals; penalty.
It shall be unlawful for any person to maliciously shoot, stab, wound orotherwise cause bodily injury to, or administer poison to or expose poisonwith intent that it be taken by a dog, horse or other animal owned, used ortrained by a law-enforcement agency, regional jail or the Department ofCorrections while such animal is performing his lawful duties or is beingkept in a kennel, pen or stable while off duty. A violation of this sectionshall be punishable as a Class 5 felony. The court shall order that thedefendant pay restitution for the cost of any animal killed or renderedunable to perform its duties. Such cost shall include training expenses.
(1989, c. 558; 1998, c. 8.)