§ 18.2-144.2. Prohibition against making a false representation of ownershipof an animal to an animal shelter or pound; penalty.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver or release any animal notowned by that person to a pound, animal shelter or humane society, as theseterms are defined in § 3.2-6500, or to any other similar facility foranimals, or any agent thereof, and to falsely represent to such facility oragent that such person is the owner of the animal.
B. A violation of subsection A shall be punished as a Class 1 misdemeanor.
C. No pound, animal shelter, humane society or other similar facility foranimals, or the directors or employees of any such business or facility,shall, in the absence of gross negligence, be civilly liable for acceptingand disposing of any animal in good faith from a person who falsely claims tobe the owner of the animal.
(1994, c. 885.)