§ 18.2-154. Shooting at or throwing missiles, etc., at train, car, vessel,etc.; penalty.
Any person who maliciously shoots at, or maliciously throws any missile at oragainst, any train or cars on any railroad or other transportation company orany vessel or other watercraft, or any motor vehicle or other vehicles whenoccupied by one or more persons, whereby the life of any person on suchtrain, car, vessel, or other watercraft, or in such motor vehicle or othervehicle, may be put in peril, is guilty of a Class 4 felony. In the event ofthe death of any such person, resulting from such malicious shooting orthrowing, the person so offending is guilty of murder in the second degree.However, if the homicide is willful, deliberate and premeditated, he isguilty of murder in the first degree.
If any such act is committed unlawfully, but not maliciously, the person sooffending is guilty of a Class 6 felony and, in the event of the death of anysuch person, resulting from such unlawful act, the person so offending isguilty of involuntary manslaughter.
If any person commits a violation of this section by maliciously orunlawfully shooting, with a firearm, at a conspicuously markedlaw-enforcement, fire or rescue squad vehicle, ambulance or any otheremergency medical vehicle, the sentence imposed shall include a mandatoryminimum term of imprisonment of one year.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-152; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1990, c. 426; 2004,c. 461; 2005, c. 143.)