§ 18.2-162. Damage or trespass to public services or utilities.
Any person who shall intentionally destroy or damage any facility which isused to furnish oil, telegraph, telephone, electric, gas, sewer, wastewateror water service to the public, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony, providedthat in the event the destruction or damage may be remedied or repaired for$200 or less such act shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. On electricgenerating property marked with no trespassing signs, the security personnelof a utility may detain a trespasser for a period not to exceed one hourpending arrival of a law-enforcement officer.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, any person who shallintentionally destroy or damage, or attempt to destroy or damage, any suchfacility, equipment or material connected therewith, the destruction ordamage of which might, in any manner, threaten the release of radioactivematerials or ionizing radiation beyond the areas in which they are normallyused or contained, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony, provided that in theevent the destruction or damage results in the death of another due toexposure to radioactive materials or ionizing radiation, such person shall beguilty of a Class 2 felony; provided further, that in the event thedestruction or damage results in injury to another, such person shall beguilty of a Class 3 felony.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-158; 1960, c. 358; 1964, c. 224; 1966, c. 446; 1975, cc.14, 15; 1980, c. 548; 1981, c. 197; 1985, c. 299; 1992, c. 352.)