§ 18.2-164. Unlawful use of, or injury to, telephone and telegraph lines;copying or obstructing messages; penalty.
A. If any person commits any of the following acts, he is guilty of a Class 2misdemeanor:
1. Maliciously injure, molest, cut down, or destroy any telephone ortelegraph line, wire, cable, pole, tower, or the material or propertybelonging thereto;
2. Maliciously cut, break, tap, or make any connection with any telephone ortelegraph line, wire, cable, or instrument of any telegraph or telephonecompany which has legally acquired the right-of-way by purchase,condemnation, or otherwise;
3. Maliciously copy in any unauthorized manner any message, either social,business, or otherwise, passing over any telephone or telegraph line, wire,cable, or wireless telephone transmission in the Commonwealth;
4. Willfully or maliciously prevent, obstruct, or delay by any means orcontrivance whatsoever the sending, conveyance, or delivery in theCommonwealth of any authorized communication by or through any telephone ortelegraph line, wire, cable, or wireless transmission device under thecontrol of any telephone or telegraph company doing business in theCommonwealth;
5. Maliciously aid, agree with, employ, or conspire with any unauthorizedperson or persons unlawfully to do or cause to be done any of the actshereinbefore mentioned.
B. If any person, with the intent to prevent another person from summoninglaw-enforcement, fire, or rescue services:
1. Commits any act set forth in subsection A; or
2. Maliciously prevents or interferes with telephone or telegraphcommunication by disabling or destroying any device that enables suchcommunication, whether wired or wireless, he is guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-156; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 2002, cc. 810, 818;2006, c. 457.)