§ 18.2-165. Unlawful use of, or injury to, television or radio signals andequipment.
Any person who shall willfully or maliciously break, injure or otherwisedestroy or damage any of the posts, wires, towers or other materials orfixtures employed in the construction or use of any line of a televisioncoaxial cable, or a microwave radio system, or willfully or maliciouslyinterfere with such structure so erected, or in any way attempt to lead fromits uses or make use of the electrical signal or any portion thereof properlybelonging to or in use or in readiness to be made use of for the purpose ofusing said electrical signal from any television coaxial cable company ormicrowave system or owner of such property, shall be guilty of a Class 3misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-157; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)