§ 18.2-167. Selling or transferring certain telephonic instruments.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to make, sell, offer oradvertise for sale, possess, or give or otherwise transfer to another anyinstrument, apparatus, equipment, or device or plans or instructions formaking or assembling any instrument, apparatus, equipment or device which hasbeen designed, adapted, used, or employed with the intent or for the purposeof (1) obtaining long distance toll telephone or telegraph service or thetransmission of a long distance toll message, signal, or other communicationby telephone or telegraph, or over telephone or telegraph facilities, withoutthe payment of charges for any such long distance message, signal or othercommunication; or (2) concealing or assisting another to conceal from anysupplier of telephone or telegraph service or from any person charged withthe responsibility of enforcing this section, the existence or place oforigin or of destination of any long distance toll message, signal, or othercommunication by telephone or telegraph, or over telephone or telegraphfacilities. Persons violating any provision of this section shall be guiltyof a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(b) Any such instrument, apparatus, equipment or device, or plans orinstructions therefor, may be seized by court order or under a warrant; and,upon a final conviction of any person owning the seized materials, or havingany ownership interest therein, for a violation of any provision of thissection, the instrument, apparatus, equipment, device, or plans orinstructions shall be ordered destroyed as contraband by the court in whichthe person is convicted.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-238.3; 1966, c. 445; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)