§ 18.2-96.1. Identification of certain personalty.
A. The owner of personal property may permanently mark such property,including any part thereof, for the purpose of identification with the socialsecurity number of the owner, preceded by the letters "VA."
B. [Repealed.]
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, alter, deface, destroy,conceal, or otherwise obscure the manufacturer's serial number or marks,including personalty marked with a social security number preceded by theletters "VA," from such personal property or any part thereof, without theconsent of the owner, with intent to render it or other propertyunidentifiable.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess such personal property orany part thereof, without the consent of the owner, knowing that themanufacturer's serial number or any other distinguishing identificationnumber or mark, including personalty marked with a social security numberpreceded by the letters "VA," has been removed, altered, defaced,destroyed, concealed, or otherwise obscured with the intent to violate theprovisions of this section.
E. A person in possession of such property which is otherwise in violation ofthis section may apply in writing to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation,Virginia State Police, for assignment of a number for the personal propertyproviding he can show that he is the lawful owner of the property. If anumber is issued in conformity with the provisions of this section, then theperson to whom it was issued and any person to whom the property is lawfullydisposed of shall not be in violation of this section. This subsection shallapply only when the application has been filed by a person prior to arrest orauthorization of a warrant of arrest for that person by a court.
F. Any person convicted of an offense under this section, when the value ofthe personalty is less than $200, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanorand, when the value of the personalty is $200 or more, shall be guilty of aClass 5 felony.
(1981, c. 165; 1982, c. 382.)