§ 18.2-180. Manufacture, etc., of slugs, etc., for such unlawful use.
Any person who, with intent to cheat or defraud the owner, lessee, licenseeor other person entitled to the contents of any such coin box telephone,parking meter, vending machine or other machine operated on thecoin-in-the-slot principle, designed only to receive lawful coin of theUnited States of America, in connection with the use of any such coin boxtelephone, parking meter, vending machine or other machine, or who, knowingor having reason to believe that the same is intended for such unlawful use,shall manufacture, sell, offer to sell, advertise for sale or give away anyslug, device or substance whatsoever, intended or calculated to be placed ordeposited in any such coin box telephone, parking meter, vending machine orother machine, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
The manufacture, sale, offer for sale, advertisement for sale, giving away orpossession of any such slug, device or substance whatsoever, intended orcalculated to be placed or deposited in any such coin box telephone, parkingmeter, vending machine or other machine that operates on the coin-in-the-slotprinciple, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to cheat or defraud withinthe meaning of this section and § 18.2-179.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-125; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)