§ 18.2-403.3. Offenses involving animals - Class 4 misdemeanors.
The following unlawful acts and offenses against animals shall constitute andbe punished as a Class 4 misdemeanor:
1. Violation of § 3.2-6566 pertaining to interference of agents charged withpreventing cruelty to animals.
2. Violation of § 3.2-6573 pertaining to shooting pigeons.
3. Violation of § 3.2-6554 pertaining to disposing of the body of a deadcompanion animal.
4. Violation of ordinances passed pursuant to §§ 3.2-6522 and 3.2-6525pertaining to rabid dogs and preventing the spread of rabies and the runningat large of vicious dogs.
5. Violation of an ordinance passed pursuant to § 3.2-6539 requiring dogs tobe on a leash.
6. Failure by any person to secure and exhibit the permits required by §29.1-422 pertaining to field trails, night trails and foxhounds.
7. Diseased dogs. - For the owner of any dog with a contagious or infectiousdisease to permit such dog to stray from his premises if such disease isknown to the owner.
8. License application. - For any person to make a false statement in orderto secure a dog or cat license to which he is not entitled.
9. License tax. - For any dog or cat owner to fail to pay any license taxrequired by § 3.2-6530 before February 1 for the year in which it is due. Inaddition, the court may order confiscation and the proper disposition of thedog or cat.
10. Concealing a dog or cat. - For any person to conceal or harbor any dog orcat on which any required license tax has not been paid.
11. Removing collar and tag. - For any person, except the owner or custodian,to remove a legally acquired license tag from a dog or cat without thepermission of the owner or custodian.
12. Violation of § 3.2-6503 pertaining to care of animals by owner.
(1984, c. 492; 1993, cc. 174, 817.)