§ 18.2-421. Information to be filed by clandestine organization with StateCorporation Commission.
Every existing membership corporation and every existing unincorporatedassociation which is a clandestine organization as defined in § 18.2-420,shall file with the clerk of the State Corporation Commission a sworn copy ofits constitution, bylaws, rules, regulations, and oath of membership,together with a roster of its membership and a list of its officers for thecurrent year. Every such corporation and association shall, in case itsconstitution, bylaws, rules, regulations or oath of membership or any partthereof be revised, changed or amended, within ten days after such revisionor amendment, file with the clerk of the State Corporation Commission a sworncopy of such revised, changed or amended constitution, bylaw, rule,regulation or oath of membership. Every such corporation or associationshall, within thirty days after a change has been made in its officers, filewith the clerk of the State Corporation Commission a sworn statement showingsuch change. Every such corporation or association shall, at intervals of sixmonths, file with the clerk of the State Corporation Commission, a swornstatement showing the names and addresses of such additional members as havebeen received in such corporation or association during such interval.
The violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 3misdemeanor.
The provisions of §§ 18.2-420 and 18.2-421 shall not apply to fraternalorganizations which are organized for charitable, benevolent, and educationalobjectives and whose transactions and list of members are open for publicinspection.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-380.2; 1968, c. 792; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)