§ 19.2-6. Appointive power of circuit courts.
Unless otherwise specifically provided, whenever an appointive power is givento the judge of a circuit court, that power shall be exercised by a majorityof the judges of the circuit. In case of a tie, such fact shall becommunicated to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall appoint acircuit judge from another circuit who shall act as a tie breaker. Where thepower of appointment is to be exercised by a majority of the judges of theSecond Judicial Circuit and such appointment is to a local post, board orcommission in Accomack or Northampton County, the resident judge or judges ofthe County of Accomack or Northampton shall exercise such appointment poweras if he or they comprise the majority of the judges of the Circuit.
(1975, c. 495; 1977, c. 288; 1994, c. 407.)