§ 19.2-163.02. Membership of Indigent Defense Commission; expenses.
The Virginia Indigent Defense Commission shall consist of 14 members asfollows: the chairmen of the House and Senate Committees for Courts ofJustice or their designees who shall be members of the Courts of Justicecommittees; the chairman of the Virginia State Crime Commission or hisdesignee; the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court or his designee; twoattorneys officially designated by the Virginia State Bar; two personsappointed by the Governor; three persons appointed by the Speaker of theHouse of Delegates; and three persons appointed by the Senate Committee onRules. At least one of the appointments made by the Governor, one of theappointments made by the Speaker, and one of the appointments made by theSenate Committee on Rules, shall be an attorney in private practice with ademonstrated interest in indigent defense issues. Persons who are appointedby virtue of their office shall hold terms coincident with their terms ofoffice. If the chairman of the Virginia State Crime Commission is (i) thechairman of the House Committee for Courts of Justice, then the vice-chairmanof the Committee shall serve in the position designated for the Committeechairman or (ii) the chairman of the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice,then the Senate Committee on Rules, upon the recommendation of the chairmanof the Committee, shall appoint a member of the Committee to serve in theposition designated for the Committee chairman. All other members shall beappointed for terms of three years and may be reappointed.
The Commission shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among itsmembership annually. The chairman or his designee shall preside at allregular and called meetings of the Commission and shall have no additionalduties or authority unless set by statute or by resolution of the Commissionand annually confirmed by the Commission. A majority of the members shallconstitute a quorum. The Commission shall meet at least four times each year.The meetings of the Commission shall be held at the call of the chairman orwhenever three of the members so request.
Members shall be paid reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in theperformance of their duties. Legislative members shall receive compensationas provided in § 30-19.12 and nonlegislative citizen members shall receivecompensation for their services as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825.
(2004, cc. 884, 921; 2005, cc. 176, 758; 2006, cc. 429, 501; 2008, c. 115.)