§ 19.2-182.4. Confinement and treatment; interfacility transfers;out-of-hospital visits; notice of change in treatment.
A. Upon commitment of an acquittee for inpatient hospitalization, theCommissioner shall determine the appropriate placement for him, based on hisclinical needs and security requirements. The Commissioner may makeinterfacility transfers and treatment and management decisions regardingacquittees in his custody without obtaining prior approval of or review bythe committing court. If the Commissioner is of the opinion that a temporaryvisit from the hospital would be therapeutic for the acquittee and that suchvisit would pose no substantial danger to others, the Commissioner may grantsuch visit not to exceed forty-eight hours.
B. The Commissioner shall give notice of the granting of an unescortedcommunity visit to any victim of a felony offense against the personpunishable by more than five years in prison that resulted in the charges onwhich the acquittee was acquitted or the next-of-kin of the victim at thelast known address, provided the person seeking notice submits a writtenrequest for such notice to the Commissioner.
C. The Commissioner shall notify the attorney for the Commonwealth for thecommitting jurisdiction in writing of changes in an acquittee's course oftreatment which will involve authorization for the acquittee to leave thegrounds of the hospital in which he is confined.
(1991, c. 427; 1993, c. 295; 2006, c. 358.)