§ 19.2-186. When accused to be discharged, tried, committed or bailed byjudge.
The judge shall discharge the accused if he considers that there is notsufficient cause for charging him with the offense.
If a judge considers that there is sufficient cause only to charge theaccused with an offense which the judge has jurisdiction to try, then heshall try the accused for such offense and convict him if he deems him guiltyand pass judgment upon him in accordance with law just as if the accused hadfirst been brought before him on a warrant charging him with such offense.
If a judge considers that there is sufficient cause to charge the accusedwith an offense that he does not have jurisdiction to try then he shallcertify the case to the appropriate court having jurisdiction and shallcommit the accused to jail or let him to bail pursuant to the provisions ofArticle 1 (§ 19.2-119 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of this title.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-106; 1960, c. 366; 1968, c. 639; 1973, c. 485; 1975, c.495; 1999, cc. 829, 846.)