§ 19.2-187.01. Certificate of analysis as evidence of chain of custody ofmaterial described therein.
A report of analysis duly attested by the person performing such analysis orexamination in any laboratory operated by (i) the Division of ConsolidatedLaboratory Services, the Department of Forensic Science or any of itsregional laboratories, or by any laboratory authorized by such Division orDepartment to conduct such analysis or examination; (ii) the Federal Bureauof Investigation; (iii) the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms;(iv) the Naval Criminal Investigative Service; (v) the federal DrugEnforcement Administration; (vi) the Postal Inspection Service; or (vii) theUnited States Secret Service shall be prima facie evidence in a criminal orcivil proceeding as to the custody of the material described therein from thetime such material is received by an authorized agent of such laboratoryuntil such material is released subsequent to such analysis or examination.Any such certificate of analysis purporting to be signed by any such personshall be admissible as evidence in such hearing or trial without any proof ofthe seal or signature or of the official character of the person whose nameis signed to it. The signature of the person who received the material forthe laboratory on the request for laboratory examination form shall be deemedprima facie evidence that the person receiving the material was an authorizedagent and that such receipt constitutes proper receipt by the laboratory forpurposes of this section.
(1979, c. 364; 1989, c. 458; 1990, cc. 548, 825; 1991, c. 687; 1993, c. 32;1994, c. 375; 1995, c. 437; 2005, cc. 868, 881.)