§ 19.2-188. Reports by Chief Medical Examiner received as evidence.
A. Reports of investigations made by the Chief Medical Examiner, hisassistants or medical examiners, and the records and certified reports ofautopsies made under the authority of Title 32.1, shall be received asevidence in any court or other proceeding, and copies of photographs,laboratory findings and reports in the office of the Chief Medical Examineror any medical examiner, when duly attested by the Chief Medical Examiner orone of his Assistant Chief Medical Examiners, shall be received as evidencein any court or other proceeding for any purpose for which the original couldbe received without proof of the official character or the person whose nameis signed thereto.
B. Any statement of fact or of opinion in such reports and records concerningthe physical or medical cause of death and not alleging any conduct by theaccused shall be admissible as competent evidence of the cause of death inany preliminary hearing.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-45; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 2003, c. 459; 2009, c.640.)