§ 19.2-201. Officers to give information of violation of penal laws toattorney for Commonwealth.
Every commissioner of the revenue, sheriff, constable or other officer shallpromptly give information of the violation of any penal law to the attorneyfor the Commonwealth, who shall forthwith institute and prosecute allnecessary and proper proceedings in such case, whether in the name of theCommonwealth or of a county or corporation, and may in such case issue orcause to be issued a summons for any witnesses he may deem material to giveevidence before the court or grand jury. Except as otherwise provided in thischapter, no attorney for the Commonwealth shall go before any grand juryexcept when duly sworn to testify as a witness, but he may advise the foremanof a regular grand jury or any member or members thereof in relation to thedischarge of their duties.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-156; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495.)