§ 19.2-206. When impanelled.
A. Special grand juries may be impanelled by a circuit court (i) at any timeupon its own motion, (ii) upon recommendation of a minority of the members ofa regular grand jury that a special grand jury be impanelled, to perform thefunctions provided for in subdivision (2) of § 19.2-191, or (iii) uponrequest of the attorney for the Commonwealth to investigate and report on anycondition that involves or tends to promote criminal activity and considerbills of indictment to determine whether there is sufficient probable causeto return each such indictment as a "true bill."
B. A special grand jury shall be impanelled by a circuit court upon therecommendation of a majority of the members of a regular grand jury if thecourt finds probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed whichshould be investigated by a special grand jury impanelled to perform thefunctions provided for in subdivision (2) of § 19.2-191.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-149; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 741; 1980, c.134; 1987, c. 136; 2001, c. 4.)