§ 19.2-213. Report by special grand jury; return of true bill.
At the conclusion of its investigation and deliberation, a special grand juryimpanelled by the court on its own motion or on recommendation of a regulargrand jury shall file a report of its findings with the court, includingtherein any recommendations that it may deem appropriate, after which itshall be discharged. Such report shall be sealed and not open to publicinspection, other than by order of the court.
A majority, but not less than five, of the members of a special grand juryconvened upon request of the attorney for the Commonwealth must concur inorder to return a "true bill" of indictment. A "true bill" may bereturned upon the testimony of, or evidence produced by, any witness who wascalled by the grand jury, upon evidence presented or sent to it.
(1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 638; 2001, c. 4.)