§ 19.2-215.2. Application for such grand jury.
Provided the Attorney General has approved the application in writing priorto submission, application for a multi-jurisdiction grand jury may be made tothe Supreme Court of Virginia by two or more attorneys for the Commonwealthfrom jurisdictions which would be within the original scope of theinvestigation. The application shall be in writing and shall state (i) whichjurisdictions will be involved in the original scope of the investigation,(ii) in which jurisdiction it is requested that the multi-jurisdiction grandjury be convened, (iii) the name or names of the attorneys for theCommonwealth or their assistants who will serve as special counsel to thegrand jury, (iv) the name of the attorney who shall direct the grand juryproceedings. The presiding judge may extend or limit the jurisdictionalterritory of the investigation, for good cause shown, upon the motion of agrand jury already convened. Notice of every such application shall be givento the attorneys for the Commonwealth in the jurisdictions named in theapplication and, if the original scope of the investigation is extended intoother jurisdictions, notice of such extension shall be given to the attorneysfor the Commonwealth in the jurisdictions into which the investigation isextended.
(1983, c. 543.)