§ 19.2-215.4. Number and qualifications of jurors; grand jury list; whenconvened; compensation of jurors.
A. A multi-jurisdiction grand jury shall consist of not less than seven normore than 11 members. Each member of a multi-jurisdiction grand jury shall bea citizen of this Commonwealth, 18 years of age or older, and a resident ofthis Commonwealth for one year and of one of the jurisdictions named in theapplication for six months.
B. The presiding judge shall determine the number of grand jurors to be drawnand shall draw them so that, to the extent practicable, each of thejurisdictions named in the application is represented by at least one jurorresiding in that jurisdiction, but in no event shall said panel have morethan 11 members. The grand jurors shall be summoned from a list prepared bythe presiding judge. In the preparation of this list, the presiding judgeshall select only persons who have been selected as regular grand jurorspursuant to the provisions of § 19.2-194 in the jurisdiction named in theapplication. Members of a multi-jurisdiction grand jury shall possess thesame qualifications as those prescribed for members of a regular grand jury,including indifference in the cause.
C. The provisions of § 19.2-192 dealing with secrecy in grand juryproceedings are incorporated herein by reference.
D. The presiding judge shall determine the time, date and place within thedesignated jurisdiction where the multi-jurisdiction grand jury is to beconvened. The presiding judge shall also appoint one of the grand jurors toserve as foreman. Members of the multi-jurisdiction grand jury shall becompensated according to the provisions of § 19.2-205. The expense of amulti-jurisdiction grand jury shall be borne by the Commonwealth.
(1983, c. 543; 2008, c. 644.)