§ 19.2-215.8. Returning a "true bill" of indictment; jurisdiction to be setout.
In order to return a "true bill" of indictment, a majority, but in noinstance less than five, of the multi-jurisdiction grand jurors must concurin that finding. A multi-jurisdiction grand jury may return a "true bill"of indictment upon the testimony of, or evidence produced by, any witness whowas called by the grand jury, upon evidence presented to it by specialcounsel, or upon evidence sent to it by the presiding judge.
Every "true bill" of indictment returned by a multi-jurisdiction grand juryshall state in which jurisdiction or jurisdictions the offense is alleged tohave occurred. Thereafter, when venue is proper in more than onejurisdiction, the presiding judge who directed the grand jury proceedingshall elect in which one of the jurisdictions named in the indictment theindictment is to be prosecuted.
(1983, c. 543.)