§ 19.2-217.1. Central file of capital murder indictments.
Upon the return by a grand jury of an indictment for capital murder and thearrest of the defendant, the clerk of the circuit court in which suchindictment is returned shall forthwith file a certified copy of theindictment with the clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia. All suchindictments shall be maintained in a single place by the clerk of the SupremeCourt, and shall be available to members of the public upon request. Failureto comply with the provisions of this section shall not be (i) a basis uponwhich an indictment may be quashed or deemed invalid; (ii) deemed error uponwhich a conviction may be reversed or a sentence vacated; or (iii) a basisupon which a court may prevent or delay execution of a sentence.
(1993, c. 319.)