§ 19.2-240. Clerks shall make out criminal docket.
Before every term of any court in which criminal cases are to be tried theclerk of the court shall make out a separate docket of criminal cases thenpending, in the following order, numbering the same:
1. Felony cases;
2. Misdemeanor cases.
He shall docket all felony cases in the order in which the indictments arefound and all misdemeanor cases in the order in which the presentments orindictments are found or informations are filed or appeals are allowed bymagistrates and as soon as any presentments or indictments are made at a termof court he shall forthwith docket the same in the order required above.
Traffic infractions shall be docketed with misdemeanor cases.
Cases appealed from the juvenile and domestic relations district court shallnot be placed on the criminal docket except for cases involving criminaloffenses committed by adults as provided in § 16.1-302. Cases transferred toa circuit court from a juvenile and domestic relations district courtpursuant to Article 7 (§ 16.1-269.1 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 16.1shall be docketed as provided in this section upon return of a true bill ofindictment by the grand jury.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-189; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1977, c. 585; 1990, c.258; 1994, cc. 859, 949.)