§ 19.2-251. When and how venue may be changed.
A circuit court may, on motion of the accused or of the Commonwealth, forgood cause, order the venue for the trial of a criminal case in such court tobe changed to some other circuit court. Such motion when made by the accusedmay be made in his absence upon a petition signed and sworn to by him.
Whenever the mayor of any city, or the sheriff of any county, shall call onthe Governor for military force to protect the accused from violence, thejudge of the circuit court of the city or county having jurisdiction of theoffense shall, upon a petition signed and sworn to by the accused, whether hebe present or not, at once order the venue to be changed to the circuit courtof a city or county sufficiently remote from the place where the offense wascommitted to insure the safe and impartial trial of the accused.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-224; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495.)