§ 19.2-270.7. Determining decibel level of sound with proper equipment;certificate as to accuracy of equipment.
A law-enforcement officer may use equipment deemed proper pursuant tosubsection C of § 2.2-1112 to determine the decibel level of any sound,including noise. The results of such determinations shall be accepted asprima facie evidence of the decibel level of the sound in any court or legalproceeding where the decibel level of the sound is at issue.
In any court or legal proceeding in which any question arises about thecalibration or accuracy of such equipment used to determine the decibel levelof sound, a certificate, or a true copy thereof, showing the calibration ortesting for accuracy of the equipment, and when and by whom the calibrationor test was made, shall be admissible as evidence of the facts thereinstated. No calibration or testing of such equipment shall be valid for longerthan 12 months.
(2010, c. 558.)